kite kene ada post yg cool skit..

so..LOVE gonna be our topic...
hahaha... for pple yg x tahu.. masa i kt samura dulu..
org penah called me cupid.. or Dr LOVE..
(asyik cple kan org and tmpt org mengadu masalah tp i single..damm)
bkn i xnk cple.. tp spm.. cheewaahh...i just xnk mempermainkan hati girl.. mayb we are good as a friend.. not as a cple..
and from my can make ur life full of joy..happiness and sumtime sedih..jatuh..berkecamuk hati... aku lg rela jatuh dan kecewa bercinta drpd takut merasai erti cinta.. hahaha... ayat...
terdapat byk jenis far as i noe..
cinta monyet (cinta budak2 ar)
cinta l o n g d i s t a n c e (bullshit bak kate my ex)
cinta nafsu (korg pk ar sendri)
cinta kontrak (ni dak2 plkn ar..3 bln)
cinta sejati..(korg terima baik buruk..segala kesilapan dia.. lengkapkan kekurangan dier.. ni la yg aku nk...)

and dlm hidup kite.. kite akan berjumpa dgn ramai org.. and its up to keep it or to let it go...
and copy from angah...
its doesn't matter if she or he is 1/10, 2.8/10... but once you love her or him.. sometimes 1/10 or 2.8/10 are equal to perfect 10..!! me jom!!! hahaha
p/s: for someone who get da pic above.. i love u
"the different between einstein and me is just the name"