Thursday, October 21, 2010

Somebody told me: There are so many break up line.. hahhaa

hahahaa... yesterday and same goes with day2 yg lalu...
dah byk kali aku dgr break2 line ni... so.. mcm2 jenis ..
but some of them mmg best utk didgr... and di share..

so here is some of it..
plg cliche... "its not u... its me" hahahahha
plg soft..."if u love somebody.. let her goes..let her be happy... and if she comes back.. and she is yours..."
plg xle blah.." we need to talk" hahahaa best gk..." we are not in the same page"
and ni pelik skit..." u terlalu syg i.. i terpaksa tinggalkan u"

and mcm2 lg... hahaha.. if korg ade ayat2 yg lg menarik.. share ar...

ok.. gtg... mahu jd hero... ciao2

"the difference between einstein and i is just by the name"

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