Friday, October 14, 2011

Its over.. Time to move on..

Hey low..
and its seem to be pretty low..

"it isnt u.. its me.. "
"u r too good for me"

sound cliche? hehehe.. but its a ordinary break up line..
but.. its doesnt consider break up..if u not in a relationship...

but.. after all.. everything is good..
maybe its not a destiny to be together...

ya allah.. hadirkan lah sebuah cinta dan kasih syg yg ikhlas utk hamba mu ini..
cinta yg x memandang rupa, harta, keluarga, fahaman politik, dan ..........

but.. thanx for everything...

Monday, August 8, 2011


somebody told me..

awk ni ade mata yg nakal.. nakal bkn gatal..
tapi awk mencari yg terbaik... and akak rasa kamu ni lmbt kawen..

huh? salah ar kak..saya rasa sy simple je.. cuma org je x paham sy..
hahaha... unpredictable skit..

by working with people from different background.. i learnt a few
meaningful things..

- always appreciate ur work.. bg ko myb remeh.. tp bg org len..
tu la duit nk sara anak bini.. so.. always respect ur work..
and do ur best for it..

- everybody has their own stories.. listen to them.. why they act
like that.. and support them for changes..they may need ur help..
even they didnt ask for it..

- people changes.. most of the time.. from worst to better.. never
belittle them.. and be friendly with all people..

- when u r good.. u always has enemy... melayu mmg hasad..
embrace it.. love ur enemy.. coz it bring out the best of u..

and for myself.. always be positive.. rezeki tu ade.. di mana2..
positive mind will always bring u forward.. dont afraid to take
a risk.. have faith with urself..people with understand u one day..

liebeweg...lomo version

"positive outcomes only"

the different between me and einstein is just the name...

Monday, August 1, 2011

im done being single..

you know what?

i'm done being single..
im not good at it
obviously, you cant tell a woman u just met you love her
but it sucks that u cant
i tell u something though
if a woman.. not you.. just some hypothetical woman...
were to bear with me through all this...
i think i'd make a damn good husband
because that's the stuff i'd be good at
stuff life making her laugh and being a good father..
being a good kisser..


Monday, July 25, 2011

Why i deactivated my facebook?

hey hey...

hahhaaha... people keep asking me... u block me ke kt fb? --> xla.. deactivated je

nape deactivated fb? ---> just mencari diri sendri.. disebalik fb..

huh..nape plak? ---> since fb is the reason for people to not trusting me.. so.. let people noe me without facebook...myb ade baiknye gk..

bile nak ade fb balik? ---> mayb after i have a real gf..not just a close girl friend yg org ingt i have many girlfriends..

sian nye... do u really have to do that? ----> yup.. i think so.. it come to a point when u need to sacrifice something.. to gain something...

so.. plz dont ask me again bout my fb.. heheheh... tq tq tq

Friday, July 22, 2011

Silent is Golden

its happened in life.. u were in a different kind of relationship
u fall in love.. u break up.. u fall in love again and u break up again..
all of these doesnt make u weak person.. its give u experiences to grow up
and be a better person.. learn from mistake..

everybody has their own experience.. and their life expectation..
but.. what make us move forward.. we all have dream.. and faith.. hope..
we keep our dream alive but having faith.. and hoping for the best..

in the end.. we just go for it.. eventho we might fail.. but at least
we tried..

"its better to try and failed than failed without even trying"
thats just dissapointing me..

and lastly.. even if we end our relationship.. or myb not relationship..
a secretly bond.. that u afraid of for what reason.. that people might know..
its better to keep it silent.. u dont have to say something harsh..

and look at the positive side..
i can move forward..

" there are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle.. or you can live as if anything is a miracle.."

p/s: i'm addicted to apps dlm ipad 2... hahhaa n pic xde kene mengena.. hahaha

Friday, July 8, 2011

how i wish

how i wish that..
i did not made a decision based on relationship
i start a fresh relationship without interfere others
i can go somewhere that people does not know who i am
i can make up back for all the mistake i had made
i can ask for forgiveness with people i hurt
i can prove to people that they are wrong bout me
i can know what other people want from me

lastly... i wish that all the positive outcomes only...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Malay dilemma, dilema melayu or dilema aku je

Hai...saje nk share ape yg aku pk... or rasa.. or dilema.. hahaha

last week, i went to kedai tomyam near my house.. pastu tepi kedai tomyam..
ade kedai berger.. standard ar kt kedai berger.. ade la bertengek beberapa manusia berkaum melayu.. aku wat bodo n x pandang ar..

pastu aku pn order la food.. tapau je.. masa aku tgh tggu makanan... aku tgk la sekeliling.. kt kedai tu.. majoriti muka dak2 bawah umur aku... anak2 pakcik2 yg rival dgn aku masa aku kanak hingga remaja..

dr ape yg aku tgk.. dr gaya pemakaian... cam rempit, isap rokok, rambut warna warni cam badut...
aku terpk.. ni mmg trend skrg ke.. or mmg bile remaja gaya mmg camni ke.. or just dorg ni je..
kdg2 terpk gk aku.. dulu aku camni ke.. hehehe...

tu la malay dilemma... tun mahathir penah tulis buku dier psl malay dilemma.. nk sedarkan org melayu.. tp aku tgk.. ntah la..

bile di pk kan blk... dak2 melayu skrg.. mmg la teruk...
1st.. dorg xde motivation or goal... xde hala tuju..
nk suh dorg blaja.. mmg susah.. ape tah lg... nk cuba sumthing new.. keje oversea ke.. takut la..
apetah lg nk suh bukak bisness..
2nd.. mmg synonym dgn melayu.. aku nk cuba ubah perspeksi org terhadap malay...

bkn xde melayu yg berjaya... tp mostly.. masih cam ape yg aku nmpk..
yg berjaya pn.. kalo x kene pulau.. kene ejek skema.. ni adalah masalah kaum... the culture itself..
melayu dah camtu...

tp aku tahu.. bkn aku je yg nmpk camni.. ramai gk.. tp ape yg kite bole wat? tulis blog.. tu je la...
hehehe.. kecewa aku... xkan nk suh aku gi kedai berger tu.. skola kan budak2 tu tgh mlm... x berbakul2 aku kene maki..dahh... aku plak dikatakan takut.. hahaha...

dah ar.. yg penting.. aku nk melayu maju...bkn melaka je maju...
kite kene buang mentality 3rd classs ni..
ciao...(aku masih dlm dilema)

"the difference between einstein and i is just by the name"